Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Native American Medicine Man Essay Example for Free
The Native American Medicine Man Essay The Native American medicine man, also known as a shaman (modern term), priest, healer, and even a â€Å"Star Being†were known to be the spiritual leaders of Native American cultures. Each medicine man was unique in his own way simply because each Native American tribe had their own origin of spirituality and religious beliefs. Each medicine man had their own theory on how to rid people of their troubles and ease their pain when they were ill or in some sort of distress. In this research paper I will be examining different medicine man practices and beliefs from the Native American tribes of the Cheyenne, Iroquois, and the Sioux Indians. I will be discussing some of the most common illnesses that Native Americans faced among their tribes and what the medicine men or women did to help. I will also be discussing the different resources the medicine man used, including plants for herbal remedies and other objects, in his method of curing or helping a patient; and lastly I will be discussing how some techniques have been modernized and are still used today. To begin with our observation, let us start by understanding more about the medicine man himself and how the medicine man was perceived amongst his tribe. Even though each medicine man was unique in his practices, each medicine man shared a common adoration amongst their tribal members. In general, tribes have many similarities in regards to medical practices, but the actual methods used differ with the tribe and their locations, as well as with individual healers themselves. â€Å"Magic, prayers, songs, exhortation, suggestion, ceremonies, fetishes, and certain specifics and mechanical processes are employed only by the medicine-men or medicine-women; other specific remedies or procedures are proprietary, generally among a few old women in the tribe; while many vegetal remedies and simple manipulations are of common knowledge in a given locality. †The medicine man was not relied on to hunt and fish for food like other tribesmen were. The medicine man was more useful when he could be out spreading his tribes’ religious beliefs to others as well as bringing peace to those troubled or ill. The medicine man was much like our modern day doctor, priest, psychiatrist, and counselor all rolled up into one big package that was relied on to heal not only a person’s body but also a person’s spirit. He even sometimes served as a middle man to bring peace between humans troubled with other humans. The medicine man was like a virtual bridge between the natural world and the spiritual world for the benefit of his community. Practices and Beliefs As stated above, different techniques of healing were involved in a medicine man’smethods: Magic, prayers, songs and ceremonies were the most common. Magicwas used to oppose an alleged harmful influence, such as spirits of the dead, mythical animals, etc. Prayers in contrast, often addressed good spirits as the medicine man would try to call upon their aid while he was attending his patient. Healing songs consisted of prayers or exhortations and were sung. Loud ranting wasalso done to ward off evil spirits that wereknown to cause sickness; the loud noises was saidto frighten such evil spirits away. Ceremonies meant to cure a patient usually combined all or most of the techniques mentioned above. Some of them, as described about the Navaho Indians, were very complicated, drawn out, and tended to be costly. 3 â€Å"The fetishes used are peculiarly shaped stones or wooden objects, lightning-riven wood, feathers, claws, hair, figurines of mythic animals, representations of the sun, of lightning, etc, and are supposed to embody a mysterious power capable of preventing disease or of counteracting its effects. †3 Dieting and total self-restraint from food were also forms of treatment in some various localities. Cheyenne Indians. The Cheyenne Indians are known to be one of the most westerly tribes; at first they were located on the Cheyenne (obviously where they got their name), which is a branch of the Red River of the North. As they were driven by the Sioux Indians, they began to occupy beyond the Missouri, and eventually ending up near the Black Hills after being driven there near the end of the eighteenth century. The medicine man was a very important person for the Cheyenne. He was like a combination of a doctor, a priest, and a healer both of the body and of the spirit. He, like other medicine men not only knew about the proper use of native plants in his surrounding area that had medicinal properties, but he also knew various ceremonies, chants, and songs which were supposed to wield magical powers for the benefit of individuals or for the whole tribe. He, like other medicine men, accepted items for trade as a method of payment instead of U. S. currency. There are many types of religious beliefs and traditions passed on through generations that may influence the way the medicine man may aid those who are in need. The Cheyenne for example, believed in spirit beings which resided in our universe (which they called the universe to Hestanov) and their holiness was comparative to their relationship to their believed creator of all physical and spiritual life, Ma’heo’o. â€Å"In Cheyenne religious expressions, aspects of these spirit-beings or the spirit-beings themselves are entwined symbolically with plant and animal forms portrayed in Cheyenne ceremonies. Many Cheyenne today view the worlds ecological crisis as an end to Hestanov. †Disease came from both natural and supernatural causes for the Cheyenne. Curing techniques involved the use of herbal and root remedies, ritual purification, the sweat lodge, smoking, prayer, and sometimes surgery. Both men and women were healers. Treatment of sickness was designed to restore the patient not only biologically but spiritually as well. 8 Iroquois Indians The Iroquois Indians consisted of six tribes which were under one confederation: The Mohawk Indians, the Seneca, the Oneida, the Cayuga, the Onondaga, and the Tuscarora. The Iroquois tribes were spread throughout much of what we now call New York. The Iroquois Indians also believed in spirit-beings. They believed that plagues and diseases were caused by evil spirits; they attempted to cure the sick by holding a religious festival to ask for the aid of their great spirit to rid their people of the bad spirits. They also believe that disease can infect a person simply from not fulfilling their dreams or their desires. They believe that sometimes a person’s dreams can reveal what caused the disease, information which they used to cure the patient. To touch more on the basis of the Iroquois people’s belief in dreams (as this was a large part of their healing practices), they viewed dreams as â€Å"experiences of the soul in which we may travel outside the body, across time and space, and into other dimensionsor receive visitations from ancestors or spiritual guides†. They also believed that dreams revealed the wishes of one’s soul, which would dig deeper, beyond our own personal goals and those of others entwined with ours, to create a more spirited life. They believe that dreams also allow us to find â€Å"where our vital soul energy may have gone missingthrough pain or trauma or heartbreakand how to get it back. †7 Aside from their strong reliance from dreams, one of the most interesting objects that the Iroquois used during their healing rituals were wooden masks which were used to invoke spirits and the dream world. The healing ritual started off by telling the legendary history of how the mask came to be, the tribal members wearing the masks (known as the False Face Society members) would go through homes looking for anyone who is diseased or ill. If a sick person is found, they would perform the healing ritual which consisted of using rattles made out of turtle shells and blown ashes from tobacco. The ritual dancing continued throughout the ceremony and ended with a ceremonial ash blowing and finalized it with a feast. These rituals were known to be performed three main times during the year, and smaller ceremonies were held whenever an ill person requested or required it. 7 Navajo Indians The Navajo Indians were mainly located in the southwestern part of the United States, near Arizona and New Mexico. The medicine man of the Navajo culture was extremely important. The medicine man was not expected to just heal the ill and the injured, but he was also expected to hold the knowledge of their heritage, their traditions, and their beliefs of the Navajo culture. When the medicine man was called to perform a healing ceremony, he would come to heal and also come to tell the story of their people and how they emerged into this world. The medicine man of the Navajo Indians (as well as other medicine men) had a lot of knowledge he was expected to hold. He was expected to spend many hours learning different ceremonial procedures (usually a total of three). He was expected to learn songs and prayers, which none of the wording could be missed or only bad things could happen to the patient. He was expected to learn about many different types of herbs; as well as be expected to go out and gather the items he needed for his sacred medicine bag. He was also expected to purify himself by spending many hours with deep thoughts in a sweat hut. ; and he was also expected to have faith in the Great Spirit and in himself, all of which he needed to be able to successfully heal. The Navajo medicine man performed and learned several different ceremonies. Other than using the ceremonies to heal the ill, provide strength, and restore vitality to a patient; ceremonies were also held to celebrate a girls puberty called the Beauty Way ceremony and to celebrate a babys first laugh called the Hooghan Blessin Ceremony. Navajo ceremonies were basically held to restore ones beauty, harmony, balance, and ones health. There are said to be approximately fifty-eight to sixty sacred ceremonies. Most of them last four days or more; to be most effective, they require that relatives and friends attend and help out. Outsiders are often discouraged from participating in case they become a burden to others or violate a taboo. This could affect the turnout of the ceremony. The ceremony must be done in precisely the correct manner to heal the patient. This includes everyone that is involved. 14 Aside from the ceremonies (which seems to be the most popular form of healing for the Navajo), the medicine man would use several different methods to find out what the diagnoses is on a patient. He used objects such as crystal rocks or used a chanting prayer while he shook his hands over the patients body, reciting healing chants for whatever ailment he suspected the patient to have, sometimes the chant would last a few hours. Common Ailments/Diseases Some possible causes of ailments could be the result of violating taboos believed by their Native American cultures. Contact with lightning-struck objects for example, or being exposed to animals such as snakes which were considered to be a taboo animal, or even being in contact with the dead were some of reasons that required healing and chants. Warriors often suffered spiritual and psychological damage from taking part in warfare. They would come back and a ceremony called the Enemy Way Ceremony would be performed in order to help restore the harmony back to the person, both mentally and emotionally. Curses were other reasons the medicine man would need to attend a patient. It wasnt until the European colonizations arrived that diseases the Native Americans could not control began to take hold of thousands upon thousands of lives. Before the Europeans arrived, the most common ailments were common colds, injuries, violating local taboos, psychological injuries, and those which were believed to be invoked by both good and bad spirits. After the Europeans arrived, the Native Americans had no immunity towards the most deadly disease, smallpox. Smallpox seemed to have come in waves, even destroying entire villages, not only because Native Americans had no immunity, but because they did not know how to treat the disease either. Other common diseases at that time were scarlet fever, cholera, influenza, whooping cough, and many more. Resources Used for Curing Many plants were used for herbal remedies to cure those who were ill. Some plants were used as remedies without any thought as to what they actually did for the patient. Every tribe were aware of what the poisonous plants were in their surrounding areas, as well as their antidotes. Roots, occasionally twigs, leaves, bark, flowers and seeds were the most common plant parts used. The plants could be either fresh or dry, and most commonly the medicine man would extract the main ingredient he needed out of the plant. Generally only a single plant would need to be used, but among some Indians as many as four plants would be combined for a single medicine. 2 Animal and mineral substances were also occasionally used as remedies. Among Southwestern tribes the bite of a snake was often treated by applying to the wound a portion of the ventral surface of the body of the same snake. 2 Other animals used for remedies include: crickets, lizards, and spiders eggs. Navajo Indians as well as some other Indian tribes used reddish-orange earthy iron oxide combined with fat to apply externally to prevent sunburn. The red, barren clay from beneath a campfire was used by White Mountain Apache women to induce sterility; the Hopi blow charcoal, ashes, or other products of fire on an inflamed surface to counteract the supposed fire which causes the ailment. 2 Objects were also used to help cure ailments. One object, for example, was used in Blackfeet Indians ceremonies was called a sacred medicine bundle, which the medicine man used and was expected to sing four hundred lengthy chants without missing a word or getting a stanza out of place. 2 Rattles were also used to aid with chants, as well as other miscellaneous objects that the medicine man felt would help call the Great Spirits for aid. Related Methods Used Today Presently, most Native Americans use modern medicine to cure afflictions, but native healers are still used by many people today. There are hospitals located on Indian reservations where modern day Native American doctors still perform healing chants to their patients. Other methods of healing, such as aromatherapy, is said to derive from Native Americans because with aromatherapy, candles, oils, and different things which produce a scent can alter ones mood as well as enhance the body, the mind, and the spirit. Many of the herbs used by Native Americans are the ones you can actually find in aspirin and other medications today. Many ingredients used in various modern medications are actually derived from Native American cultures. 17 Several over- the counter and prescription drugs contain ingredients such as taxol, ergot, and vincristine, which were derived from Native American medicinal herbs. The OAM reported that cough drops that contain menthol, mint, horehound, or lemons are herbal preparations; chamomile and mint teas taken for digestion or a nervous stomach are time- honored herbal remedies; and many simple but effective OTC ache- and pain- relieving preparations on every druggists or grocers shelf contain oils of camphor, menthol, or eucalyptus. Millions of Americans greet the morning with their favorite herbal stimulant coffee. 17 Conclusion Native American medicine men have played a huge role in my mind when it comes to our modern day medical treatments. Without their knowledge of our natural plant and animal resources, I believe it would have taken us quite a few more years before we would have discovered vaccinations for smallpox and treatments for other illnesses. I think we, decedents of our European ancestors, still greatly underestimate the knowledge of Native Americans†¦ even to this day. Native Americans kept themselves healthy and free of major epidemics of disease until the Europeans settled on their land. Before medical technology became available, doctors relied on the Native American knowledge of nature and natural resources to cure a persons illnesses. People started to depend heavily on the modern medical technology; forgetting about their roots in their Native American cultures. Advanced technology and improved medical ways seems to have made some people forget to thank and remember the Native American Indians who gave them their beginning knowledge to begin with. * Bibliography Cheyenne- Religion and Expressive Culture. http://www. everyculture. com/North-America/Cheyenne-Religion-and-Expressive-Culture. html (accessed May 16, 2011). Handbook of American Indians, 1906. Access Genealogy. 1999-2011. http://www. accessgenealogy. com/native/tribes/history/indianmedicine. htm (accessed May 16, 2011). Iverson, Peter, Jennifer Nez Denetdale, and Ada E. Deer. The Navajo. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 2006. Lippert, Dorothy, and Stephen J Spignesi. Native American History For Dummies. Hoboken: Wiley Publishing Inc, 2008. Mazaska Enterprises, LTD. Indian medicine men, spiritual leaders, priests and shamans. AAANativeArts. com. 1999-2005. http://www. aaanativearts. com/medicine_men. htm (accessed May 16, 2011). Michaele. Support Native American Art. 2010. http://www. support-native-american-art. com/iroquois-masks. html (accessed May 15, 2011). Moss, Robert. Dreamways of the Iroquois: Honoring the Secret Wishes of the Soul. Rochester: Destiny Books, 2004. Native Languages of the Americas. Native Languages of the Americas: Native American Cultlures. 1998-2011. http://www. bigorrin. org/mohawk_kids. htm (accessed May 15, 2011). Navajo Tourism. Discover Navajo. 2008. http://discovernavajo. com/a11. html (accessed May 16, 2011). Paul. Son of the South. 2003-2008. http://www. sonofthesouth. net/american-indians/cheyenne-indians. htm (accessed May 15, 2011). Primitive Concept of Disease. University of California Publications in American Archeology and Ethnology, Vol. XXXII, 1932. Sandner, Donald. Navaho symbols of healing: a Jungian exploration of ritual, image, and medicine. Rochester: Healing Arts Press, 1991. Terpning, Howard. Medicine Man of the Cheyenne. National Academy of Western Art. Swoyers Fine Art Collections. The Study of Native Americans. February 11, 1998. http://inkido. indiana. edu/w310work/romac/native. htm (accessed May 16, 2011). Wolf, Melinda. Alternative Medicine: A journey to proactive healthcare. CNI Newspapers , 1999. [ 1 ]. (Terpning n. d. ) [ 2 ]. (Mazaska Enterprises, LTD 1999-2005) [ 3 ]. (Handbook of American Indians, 1906 1999-2011) [ 4 ]. (Paul 2003-2008) [ 5 ]. (Terpning n. d. ) [ 6 ]. (Cheyenne- Religion and Expressive Culture n. d. ) [ 7 ]. (Native Languages of the Americas 1998-2011) [ 8 ]. (Primitive Concept of Disease 1932) [ 9 ]. (Moss 2004) [ 10 ]. (Michaele 2010) [ 11 ]. (The Study of Native Americans 1998) [ 12 ]. (Navajo Tourism 2008) [ 13 ]. (Navajo Tourism 2008) [ 14 ]. (Iverson, Nez Denetdale and Deer 2006).
Monday, January 20, 2020
LSD and The Counter Culture Movement Essay -- Drugs Neorology Drug Ess
LSD and The Counter Culture Movement      Our brain is an underutilized biocomputer, containing billions of unaccessed neurons. The normal consciousness that we deal with everyday is only one drop in an ocean of intelligence. For thousands of years, man experimented with the fruits of nature with the hope of finding the key to our unconscience. These fruits were revered by man as gifts from the Gods, that allowed us to find a new spiritual and philosophic connection with God. But in the last 40 years there has been huge opposition to these mind-expanding tools. The once highly regarded gift from God was viewed as a menace that would be the cause of the ending of social conformity in North America during the 1960’s. Honourable judges, parents and fellow competitors. The individual right of access to his or her own brain has become a significant political, economic, and cultural issue in our society. During the 1960’s a man by the name of Timothy Leary would cause a cultural revolution that qu estioned the perception our society had on hallucinogen drugs. He believed that if people were educated in the use of these drugs that these drugs would be the next step for the evolution of the human mind.      Hallucinogenic drugs like LSD and psilocylin have been embedded in the roots of human evolution. Many of the early Eastern and South American cultures devoted these drugs as tools able to help clear the disorder of the mind and help in achieving a higher level of conscience thinking. Little was known of the effects to these primitive spiritual tools too much of the modern Western world, until Leary and his colleagues entered the scene in the 1960’s.      Timothy Leary was a young, prestigious Harvard professor of psychology during the 1960’s. He was very interested in how the mind worked and in the ways that it might be possible to change human behaviour. Little knowledge was known in this field, so Leary and his colleagues decided to do the research that would seem to benefit the whole of humanity. But there was a door blocking their way from learning the secrets within the mind. It would not be until the summer of 1960 that Leary and his colleagues would find the key to unlock this door.      That summer Leary and a 5 of his friends (other Harvard Psych professors) decided to goto Mexico for a trip. There they met Gerhart Braun a anthropologist-hi... ...ny people began to abuse the drug. Suicide and accidentally death became rampate, and the drug once thought to saviour of human kind became its enemy. The drug began to be made for underground selling and the natural components of the drugs became lost with new man-made ingredients.      The dream Leary had for a free thinking world with mind-expanding drugs may never of been reached. But to this day many of his believes on this topic are still questioned and constantly remembered. Here was a man with a glorious educational background who was saying that these mind-expanding drugs have the potential to change our society’s way of thinking, and this went against the social norms about drugs for that time and even today’s time. I believe the failure of the counter culture movement was because there was a such rush in evolution, our world was not ready for these drugs, the constant experimentation by young people today will open the doors for these drugs on a culture that one day we will be ready for their minds to be open to borderless new horizons. Instead of running in fear of these mind-expanding drugs and creating a false images we should open our minds and â€Å"JUST SAY KNOW?â€
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Business Plan & Product
| ‘November 2012| | | | | | | | | | | | BUSINESS PLAN & PRODUCTSCertificate IV in Business: TAFE Sydney Institute| Teacher: Henry Forte Teacher: Henry Forte | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SWASTI ARIANI| BUSINESS PLAN & PRODUCTS 1. BUSINESS PROFILE 2. 1 Business Activity Retail fashion is through times has gone through so many rapid changes with constant demand for new clothing products created by fashion designers.However in a clothing line business, the specifications and descriptions of the designs and clothes are so general that they can fit more than one costume, which actually are quite different in nature from each other and this is solely dependent on the taste of people. We look this fact as a good opportunity to set up a fashion line especially in Sydney where the women and girls have the sexiness angle covered. The proposed business will be a fashion line. This proposed business is a start-up retail of uptown fashion line that reflects edgy but glamorou s style.The apparel is designed with individual sophistication with a modern spin. Targeted for women and girls, the brand includes styles such as Tops, Dresses, Pants, Shirts, Skirts, Jackets and accessories with a glamorous touch. While our initial goal is to open one boutique, expansion plans include potentially franchising our retail store and/or building a well-recognized brand name. In turn, we would hope to penetrate a sizable portion of the online retail market. 2. 2 Ownership Structure The business will be operated as a partnership with Swasti Ariani and Richard D. Kitts as co-owners of fashion line.The proprietors have chosen to operate as a partnership to gain benefits by combining their different skills and financial resources. And both are agreed to hold equal shares of ownership in the company. 2. 3 Business Name The business will trade under registered name of â€Å"Gritty Glam†. 2. 4 Business Location Gritty Glam fashion line will be located at 471 Kent St, Sy dney. Our company is a retail establishment selling fashionable women's clothing. Our business operates within the retail industry and is classified under Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) Class 4251 – Clothing Retailing.The gorgeous area includes numerous restaurants, an art gallery, coffee shop, candy store and a picturesque park in the town square. We have signed a one-year lease for a 120 square meters building. Also we have signed a one-year lease for Stitching Unit Building for warehouse ; production. Working with the property owner Interior Design consultant, we have secured a $4,000 to beautify the facade of the building to include painting, signage and a new awning. Only slight internal renovations will be required – such as the installation of dressing rooms and decorative items.When considering the addition of wall mounts for merchandise, multi-level clothing displays as well as creative floor planning, this facility is l arge enough to support future growth. Additionally, we will be able to conduct all aspects of our business from this location. This includes deliveries and shipments, inventory management and administrative duties such as finance, buying and marketing 2. 5 Entry Strategy The business will be started up as a new operation. The reason for starting up as a new business is because we believe there are few uptown fashion lines that reflect edgy but glamorous styles in Sydney.Gritty Glam fashion line recognizes the importance of marketing. And to that end, we plan to promote our retail business with an ambitious, targeted marketing campaign, which will include a grand opening event, local media coverage, print advertising and a direct-mail campaign. Our goal is to keep our marketing budget to no more than 3% of our gross annual sales, and we will partner with some Rising new-comers Band and artist in Entertainment Industry to endorse them in events as often as possible. 2. 6 Legal Require ments The legal requirements to operate the business are: . Business name registration with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission(ASIC) b. Home business use permit from the local council c. Registration for GST with the Australian Taxation Office d. Registration for Australian Business Number (ABN) with Australian taxation office (ATO). e. Business account with Commonwealth Bank Legal requirements will continue to be met during the course of operation. 2. 7 Business Objectives Gritty Glam line aim is to offer a great quality of clothes for women and girls that have an edgy but classy personal style.Gritty glam store will cater women and girls in Sydney area, and position ourselves as a boutique store servicing in particular market specifically in range of age 18 – 30 yet affordable for their pocket. Our objectives in set up Gritty glam line are: a. Become only store with unique styles currently not found in Sydney b. Strong competitive advantage on quality and pricing c. Committed to make a positive impact on our customers through Monthly Online updates. d. To receive a 30% profit margin within the first year 2. Environment and Workplace Health ; Safety (WHS) We responsible to ensure the workplace are safety for all staffs and customers. Some of our responsibilities to support this are by: a. Provide training for all staffs, including warehouse staffs (Stitching Unit, Ironing Unit ; Merchandising) also Store staffs on how to use machines, materials, process ; how to report incidents. b. Provide regular evacuation training for staff so they understand emergency procedures, including evacuation instructions, assembly point locations and use of fire alarms and equipment. c.Provide Fire Extinguishers in both store building ; stitching unit building. 2. 9 Financial aspects Gritty Glam fashion line requires $149,950 to launch successfully. We've already raised $70,000 through personal investments of the co-owners. We are currently seeking addit ional funding from outside angel investors and business loan. Start-up funds will be used store interior design, inventory (fabrics, accessories), stitching machines, and operating expenses such as rent & business registration. Our company will earn revenue from our customers' purchases of our products.Gritty Glam’s first-year income statement (see appendix) illustrates a profit margin of at least 35%, with a net income of $71,543 per annum – before taxes. We project our annual profits to reach $200,000 by year three. Our company will generate revenue from the retail sale of clothing and other accessories. First year sales are projected at $81 63,860, and we expect sales to surpass $1. 6 million by the end of year three. We will achieve month-to-month profitability within the first year. Our business will collect immediate payment from customers, so our cash flow statement will be substantially similar to our income statement.Our cash flow statement clearly demonstrate s our ability to cover all bills 2. 10 Monitoring To monitor our business, co-owners will directly handle day to day business at store and at the warehouse. As a retail establishment, Gritty Glam store will conduct business seven days a week from 9 am. to 7 pm. During the holiday seasons and during special events, store hours will be extended. In addition to the two full-time co-owners, two part-time employees will be hired to serve customers during those seasons. Our company will secure fabrics and accessories local manufacturer ; international manufacture located in Indonesia.We'll also have access to Fabrics Elsegood, which is the largest wholesale textiles and fabrics in Australia. Additionally, we will work closely with our regional sales representative, endorse rising new comer artist & band on events as often as possible. We will also attend relevant pre-season fashion trade shows. To control costs, track inventory and manage stock levels, an inventory control system will be set in place. This will include the standard bar code with its related equipment and software. Staff will conduct annual inventory audits and hire outside auditors when necessary.Accounting & Finance matters will be maintained using MYOB software. 2. MARKETING STRATEGY Gritty Glam fashion line will solely focusing on sell an edgy glamorous clothing product for young and women. We will closely follow generational fashion trends as well as our own customers purchasing preferences. Moreover, we will tailor our inventory to meet the needs of our special clientele. Our main staples are tops, dresses, jackets, Skirts, Shorts, and pants, but we will also offer some accessories such as belts, scarves, and hats. Profits will be earned via the sale of our products.Our pricing structure will utilize a value-based pricing structure, which measures the value of our products to our customers such as easy access, quality, customer service and styles flattering to our target consumer. End of season sales, holiday and overstock sales, multi-buy savings and promotional coupons will be implemented at strategic intervals. 2. 1. SWOT ANALYSIS We have identified the opportunities, challenges for the business in the next two years as following: Strengths * Experience and understanding of the fashion industry for women and girls Unique shopping experience with exceptional customer service * Great downtown location * Large and growing consumer base * Competitive prices with a special & made from good quality fabrics * Provide products tailored to all shapes and sizes of women Weaknesses * New line, could be unrecognized by customers at the first time * Must follow the fashion trends & changes all the times * Original ideas of design Opportunities * Outstanding shopping experience by customers will lead to repeat business * Expand the business into others apparel for example, Men’s Apparels, Shoes & bags. * Establish online store Endorse rising new comers artist will rise brand public awareness Threats * High Competitions, New retail shops that may or may not open in the future * Ideas/products copy by another competitors * Lower prices given by competitors 2. 2. INDUSTRY CONDITIONS Direct observation shows Sydney fashion retailer is dominated by megastores such as MYERS, DAVID JONES, ZARA, etc. Even the product prices offered by those multinational company is higher than other small company & the quality is sometimes not worth the price, but for the sake of brand image people don’t mind to spent lot of money shop on that place.Brand Awareness is the main important in promoting Gritty Glam fashion line. Market growth is in an upward motion, despite some of the latest economic downturns Statistics analysis reported by ABS show negative trends on clothing Industry. However, this business will always exist and will always be high on demand. By make a good promotion and marketing strategy, Gritty Glam fashion line will be able to compete with multinatio nal retailer as mentioned above because the retail fashion industry is a solid business with ever-changing styles and ever-present consumer demands. . 3. PROMOTIONS Gritty Glam will follow an aggressive yet creative promotional plan but keep the marketing budget no more than 5% of our gross annual sales. This will allow us to focus directly on our target customer. Below are some promotions strategies we will do; a. Select Magazines that most read by women and girls to promote our product, b. Partner with top 10 most view by women and young TV programs to endorse the actress as often as possible. These strategic partnerships will allow us to piggyback on publicity for local events. c.Social Media, to keep our customers aware with our new arrival products & our promo programs d. Participate in fashion exhibitions events to promote our products and sell in the same time. e. Print out brochures and distributed throughout every houses/apartments in particular areas by Direct mail strateg y every 4 months/ new seasons. Manage a direct mail program that will focus on our top 50% customers spotlighting any in-house sales and promotions f. Spot radio advertisements on two local FM radio stations that most heard by women and girls. . Posting sale flyers on community bulletin boards. 2. 4. STRATEGIES Since Co-owners have marketing backgrounds and recognize the significance of effective marketing. We expect our strategy to draw consumers into Gritty Glam from the very beginning. Strategies we will propose are: a. Hire a local Public Relation firm to help us develop and implement a strategic marketing plan and guide our publicity efforts in a cost-effective manner. b. Offer a 100 day return/exchange policy to build trust with our customers and maintain retention and loyalty. c.Hold a drawing for a $50 shopping spree and fashion consultation. Entry collection will start at the grand opening and continue throughout the week. Names and contact information will be utilized for follow up marketing initiatives. d. Give 10% discounts for birthday member who shopping at Gritty Glam store. Finally, marketing opportunities will be continually utilized as we expand our business and our consumer numbers grow. 2. 5. COSTS See Appendix 2. 6. RESOURCES Gritty Glam fashion line is a small business and therefore requires a simple organizational structure.Swasti Ariani & Richard D. Kitts will act as Co-Owners. Richard D. Kitts will manage the day-to-day operations including supervising staff, maintaining inventory and bookkeeping. He will be helped by one Part time Accounting Staff, Swasti Ariani will oversee the merchandise buying for the store as well as maintain a keen awareness of trends within the industry. Swasti Ariani will also work with public relations firm to ensure superior marketing plans are in place and implemented.Gritty glam will employ 1 designer, 2 pattern Makers & 2 Dress Makers that will be directly supervised by Swasti, a Store manager & 3 part-ti me associates. These positions are still vacant. Our sales associates will be paid an hourly wage, plus commission. Bonuses will be provided with each year of service following an annual review to encourage employee retention. All decisions are made in-line with the company objectives. Employee tasks are delegated based upon their level of expertise, creativity, strengths and weaknesses. Resources| Quantity| Who to consult|Designer| 1| Fashion School career centre or Job Agency| Store Manager| 1| Friends| Associate| 3| Advertise on Job Seeker Website| Accountant-Part time| 1| Advertise on Job Seeker Website| Pattern Maker| 2| Fashion School career centre| Dress Maker| 2| Fashion School career centre| Press/Iron man/Finishing| 1| Advertise on Job Seeker Website| Total| 11| -| REFERENCES 1. Writing your plan for small business success. Ian Birt. Prentice Hall. 2007 2. Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification – http://www. abs. gov. au/ausstats/[email pro tected] nsf/0/D23C85FE73B2A765CA25711F00146EF3? pendocument 3. Business & Industry Portal – http://www. business. qld. gov. au/business/employing/employee-rights-awards-entitlements/personal-safety-workplace 4. Clothing Retailing in Australia: Market Research Report – http://www. ibisworld. com. au/industry/default. aspx? indid=407 5. Australian Bureau Statistics. Analysis by industry – http://www. abs. gov. au/ausstats/[email protected] nsf/Latestproducts/8501. 0Main%20Features3Sep%202012? opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=8501. 0&issue=Sep%202012&num=&view= APPENDIX – FINANCIAL PLAN Business Plan & Product | ‘November 2012| | | | | | | | | | | | BUSINESS PLAN & PRODUCTSCertificate IV in Business: TAFE Sydney Institute| Teacher: Henry Forte Teacher: Henry Forte | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SWASTI ARIANI| BUSINESS PLAN & PRODUCTS 1. BUSINESS PROFILE 2. 1 Business Activity Retail fashion is through times has gone through so many rapid changes with constant demand for new clothing products created by fashion designers.However in a clothing line business, the specifications and descriptions of the designs and clothes are so general that they can fit more than one costume, which actually are quite different in nature from each other and this is solely dependent on the taste of people. We look this fact as a good opportunity to set up a fashion line especially in Sydney where the women and girls have the sexiness angle covered. The proposed business will be a fashion line. This proposed business is a start-up retail of uptown fashion line that reflects edgy but glamorou s style.The apparel is designed with individual sophistication with a modern spin. Targeted for women and girls, the brand includes styles such as Tops, Dresses, Pants, Shirts, Skirts, Jackets and accessories with a glamorous touch. While our initial goal is to open one boutique, expansion plans include potentially franchising our retail store and/or building a well-recognized brand name. In turn, we would hope to penetrate a sizable portion of the online retail market. 2. 2 Ownership Structure The business will be operated as a partnership with Swasti Ariani and Richard D. Kitts as co-owners of fashion line.The proprietors have chosen to operate as a partnership to gain benefits by combining their different skills and financial resources. And both are agreed to hold equal shares of ownership in the company. 2. 3 Business Name The business will trade under registered name of â€Å"Gritty Glam†. 2. 4 Business Location Gritty Glam fashion line will be located at 471 Kent St, Sy dney. Our company is a retail establishment selling fashionable women's clothing. Our business operates within the retail industry and is classified under Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) Class 4251 – Clothing Retailing.The gorgeous area includes numerous restaurants, an art gallery, coffee shop, candy store and a picturesque park in the town square. We have signed a one-year lease for a 120 square meters building. Also we have signed a one-year lease for Stitching Unit Building for warehouse ; production. Working with the property owner Interior Design consultant, we have secured a $4,000 to beautify the facade of the building to include painting, signage and a new awning. Only slight internal renovations will be required – such as the installation of dressing rooms and decorative items.When considering the addition of wall mounts for merchandise, multi-level clothing displays as well as creative floor planning, this facility is l arge enough to support future growth. Additionally, we will be able to conduct all aspects of our business from this location. This includes deliveries and shipments, inventory management and administrative duties such as finance, buying and marketing 2. 5 Entry Strategy The business will be started up as a new operation. The reason for starting up as a new business is because we believe there are few uptown fashion lines that reflect edgy but glamorous styles in Sydney.Gritty Glam fashion line recognizes the importance of marketing. And to that end, we plan to promote our retail business with an ambitious, targeted marketing campaign, which will include a grand opening event, local media coverage, print advertising and a direct-mail campaign. Our goal is to keep our marketing budget to no more than 3% of our gross annual sales, and we will partner with some Rising new-comers Band and artist in Entertainment Industry to endorse them in events as often as possible. 2. 6 Legal Require ments The legal requirements to operate the business are: . Business name registration with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission(ASIC) b. Home business use permit from the local council c. Registration for GST with the Australian Taxation Office d. Registration for Australian Business Number (ABN) with Australian taxation office (ATO). e. Business account with Commonwealth Bank Legal requirements will continue to be met during the course of operation. 2. 7 Business Objectives Gritty Glam line aim is to offer a great quality of clothes for women and girls that have an edgy but classy personal style.Gritty glam store will cater women and girls in Sydney area, and position ourselves as a boutique store servicing in particular market specifically in range of age 18 – 30 yet affordable for their pocket. Our objectives in set up Gritty glam line are: a. Become only store with unique styles currently not found in Sydney b. Strong competitive advantage on quality and pricing c. Committed to make a positive impact on our customers through Monthly Online updates. d. To receive a 30% profit margin within the first year 2. Environment and Workplace Health ; Safety (WHS) We responsible to ensure the workplace are safety for all staffs and customers. Some of our responsibilities to support this are by: a. Provide training for all staffs, including warehouse staffs (Stitching Unit, Ironing Unit ; Merchandising) also Store staffs on how to use machines, materials, process ; how to report incidents. b. Provide regular evacuation training for staff so they understand emergency procedures, including evacuation instructions, assembly point locations and use of fire alarms and equipment. c.Provide Fire Extinguishers in both store building ; stitching unit building. 2. 9 Financial aspects Gritty Glam fashion line requires $149,950 to launch successfully. We've already raised $70,000 through personal investments of the co-owners. We are currently seeking addit ional funding from outside angel investors and business loan. Start-up funds will be used store interior design, inventory (fabrics, accessories), stitching machines, and operating expenses such as rent & business registration. Our company will earn revenue from our customers' purchases of our products.Gritty Glam’s first-year income statement (see appendix) illustrates a profit margin of at least 35%, with a net income of $71,543 per annum – before taxes. We project our annual profits to reach $200,000 by year three. Our company will generate revenue from the retail sale of clothing and other accessories. First year sales are projected at $81 63,860, and we expect sales to surpass $1. 6 million by the end of year three. We will achieve month-to-month profitability within the first year. Our business will collect immediate payment from customers, so our cash flow statement will be substantially similar to our income statement.Our cash flow statement clearly demonstrate s our ability to cover all bills 2. 10 Monitoring To monitor our business, co-owners will directly handle day to day business at store and at the warehouse. As a retail establishment, Gritty Glam store will conduct business seven days a week from 9 am. to 7 pm. During the holiday seasons and during special events, store hours will be extended. In addition to the two full-time co-owners, two part-time employees will be hired to serve customers during those seasons. Our company will secure fabrics and accessories local manufacturer ; international manufacture located in Indonesia.We'll also have access to Fabrics Elsegood, which is the largest wholesale textiles and fabrics in Australia. Additionally, we will work closely with our regional sales representative, endorse rising new comer artist & band on events as often as possible. We will also attend relevant pre-season fashion trade shows. To control costs, track inventory and manage stock levels, an inventory control system will be set in place. This will include the standard bar code with its related equipment and software. Staff will conduct annual inventory audits and hire outside auditors when necessary.Accounting & Finance matters will be maintained using MYOB software. 2. MARKETING STRATEGY Gritty Glam fashion line will solely focusing on sell an edgy glamorous clothing product for young and women. We will closely follow generational fashion trends as well as our own customers purchasing preferences. Moreover, we will tailor our inventory to meet the needs of our special clientele. Our main staples are tops, dresses, jackets, Skirts, Shorts, and pants, but we will also offer some accessories such as belts, scarves, and hats. Profits will be earned via the sale of our products.Our pricing structure will utilize a value-based pricing structure, which measures the value of our products to our customers such as easy access, quality, customer service and styles flattering to our target consumer. End of season sales, holiday and overstock sales, multi-buy savings and promotional coupons will be implemented at strategic intervals. 2. 1. SWOT ANALYSIS We have identified the opportunities, challenges for the business in the next two years as following: Strengths * Experience and understanding of the fashion industry for women and girls Unique shopping experience with exceptional customer service * Great downtown location * Large and growing consumer base * Competitive prices with a special & made from good quality fabrics * Provide products tailored to all shapes and sizes of women Weaknesses * New line, could be unrecognized by customers at the first time * Must follow the fashion trends & changes all the times * Original ideas of design Opportunities * Outstanding shopping experience by customers will lead to repeat business * Expand the business into others apparel for example, Men’s Apparels, Shoes & bags. * Establish online store Endorse rising new comers artist will rise brand public awareness Threats * High Competitions, New retail shops that may or may not open in the future * Ideas/products copy by another competitors * Lower prices given by competitors 2. 2. INDUSTRY CONDITIONS Direct observation shows Sydney fashion retailer is dominated by megastores such as MYERS, DAVID JONES, ZARA, etc. Even the product prices offered by those multinational company is higher than other small company & the quality is sometimes not worth the price, but for the sake of brand image people don’t mind to spent lot of money shop on that place.Brand Awareness is the main important in promoting Gritty Glam fashion line. Market growth is in an upward motion, despite some of the latest economic downturns Statistics analysis reported by ABS show negative trends on clothing Industry. However, this business will always exist and will always be high on demand. By make a good promotion and marketing strategy, Gritty Glam fashion line will be able to compete with multinatio nal retailer as mentioned above because the retail fashion industry is a solid business with ever-changing styles and ever-present consumer demands. . 3. PROMOTIONS Gritty Glam will follow an aggressive yet creative promotional plan but keep the marketing budget no more than 5% of our gross annual sales. This will allow us to focus directly on our target customer. Below are some promotions strategies we will do; a. Select Magazines that most read by women and girls to promote our product, b. Partner with top 10 most view by women and young TV programs to endorse the actress as often as possible. These strategic partnerships will allow us to piggyback on publicity for local events. c.Social Media, to keep our customers aware with our new arrival products & our promo programs d. Participate in fashion exhibitions events to promote our products and sell in the same time. e. Print out brochures and distributed throughout every houses/apartments in particular areas by Direct mail strateg y every 4 months/ new seasons. Manage a direct mail program that will focus on our top 50% customers spotlighting any in-house sales and promotions f. Spot radio advertisements on two local FM radio stations that most heard by women and girls. . Posting sale flyers on community bulletin boards. 2. 4. STRATEGIES Since Co-owners have marketing backgrounds and recognize the significance of effective marketing. We expect our strategy to draw consumers into Gritty Glam from the very beginning. Strategies we will propose are: a. Hire a local Public Relation firm to help us develop and implement a strategic marketing plan and guide our publicity efforts in a cost-effective manner. b. Offer a 100 day return/exchange policy to build trust with our customers and maintain retention and loyalty. c.Hold a drawing for a $50 shopping spree and fashion consultation. Entry collection will start at the grand opening and continue throughout the week. Names and contact information will be utilized for follow up marketing initiatives. d. Give 10% discounts for birthday member who shopping at Gritty Glam store. Finally, marketing opportunities will be continually utilized as we expand our business and our consumer numbers grow. 2. 5. COSTS See Appendix 2. 6. RESOURCES Gritty Glam fashion line is a small business and therefore requires a simple organizational structure.Swasti Ariani & Richard D. Kitts will act as Co-Owners. Richard D. Kitts will manage the day-to-day operations including supervising staff, maintaining inventory and bookkeeping. He will be helped by one Part time Accounting Staff, Swasti Ariani will oversee the merchandise buying for the store as well as maintain a keen awareness of trends within the industry. Swasti Ariani will also work with public relations firm to ensure superior marketing plans are in place and implemented.Gritty glam will employ 1 designer, 2 pattern Makers & 2 Dress Makers that will be directly supervised by Swasti, a Store manager & 3 part-ti me associates. These positions are still vacant. Our sales associates will be paid an hourly wage, plus commission. Bonuses will be provided with each year of service following an annual review to encourage employee retention. All decisions are made in-line with the company objectives. Employee tasks are delegated based upon their level of expertise, creativity, strengths and weaknesses. Resources| Quantity| Who to consult|Designer| 1| Fashion School career centre or Job Agency| Store Manager| 1| Friends| Associate| 3| Advertise on Job Seeker Website| Accountant-Part time| 1| Advertise on Job Seeker Website| Pattern Maker| 2| Fashion School career centre| Dress Maker| 2| Fashion School career centre| Press/Iron man/Finishing| 1| Advertise on Job Seeker Website| Total| 11| -| REFERENCES 1. Writing your plan for small business success. Ian Birt. Prentice Hall. 2007 2. Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification – http://www. abs. gov. au/ausstats/[email pro tected] nsf/0/D23C85FE73B2A765CA25711F00146EF3? pendocument 3. Business & Industry Portal – http://www. business. qld. gov. au/business/employing/employee-rights-awards-entitlements/personal-safety-workplace 4. Clothing Retailing in Australia: Market Research Report – http://www. ibisworld. com. au/industry/default. aspx? indid=407 5. Australian Bureau Statistics. Analysis by industry – http://www. abs. gov. au/ausstats/[email protected] nsf/Latestproducts/8501. 0Main%20Features3Sep%202012? opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=8501. 0&issue=Sep%202012&num=&view= APPENDIX – FINANCIAL PLAN
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Character Profile for the Mother-in-Law Essay - 909 Words
Character Profile for the Mother-in-Law I will be discussing the Mother-In-Law in this extract in the first person. I am a lady of about 60 years of age, and I am a low-class peasant, shown by the behaviour of my son, and how I address him. I will use a country accent, as I live on the other side of the mountain to Grusha and the plays other characters. I will adopt a slightly hunch-backed posture to emphasise my age. I will also adopt a slightly creaky, whining tone of voice. We first see the Mother in Law attempted to hurry along her sons wedding because she is concerned that she wont get paid if he dies before the wedding is completed. To emphasise my sense of urgency, I would move my†¦show more content†¦Once Lavrenti has promised to add 200 piastres to the money I will be receiving, I will instantly cheer up, by taking my hands off my eyes and adopting my normal, less squeaked, tone of voice. I will then adopt a matter-of-fact manner, glaring at Yussup to complain that the money is still not enough. I will then turn towards Grusha, placing stress on the word hope by saying it slightly louder than the other words to emphasise how much I want her to help me with the funeral expenses. When I come to the part of my speech about people finding out that Yussups end is near, I will speak more quickly, coming to a loud climax on the word necks. I will then threaten Lavrenti, that is to say that when I say he mustnt see the child, I will wave my in dex finger in his direction, glaring at him, and with menace in my voice on the word mustnt, because, essentially, I am telling him that I will be very angry if the monk sees the child and need to avoid this at all costs. When I say Hes just as good, in reference to the monk, I will hesitate slightly, stammering on this phrase, as I dont really mean it and know that I have hired a cheap monk to maximise the amount of money I gain. I will also look downwards in order not to meet Lavrentis eyes. I will then rush off, still avoiding his gaze, so I dont haveShow MoreRelatedAn Abstraction of Application Psychoanalysis on Mona Lisa Smile Movie1129 Words  | 5 Pagesexperienced by the main characters on that movie. According to them, the characters analysis is the one of Psychoanalysis approach besides the cinema elements such as director, audiences, process of movie making, etc. In this case, the important thing which analyzed is the characters text or their script as a text manifest for recovering the hidden meaning of that text. 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